[imp] strange files on /tmp

Fabian Gervan fabian@interk.com.ar
Sun, 30 Sep 2001 08:02:43 +0100

Hello Leonardo,

LRM>     They are named as impattXXXXXX and sess_XXXXXXXXXXXXX. sess files seems
LRM> to be related to php session, am I right ?? And these impatt files, are they
LRM> related to IMP ? If yes, what they are supposed to be doing here ? Why they
LRM> werent excluded, supposing they are temp files ??

Aparte de lo que te respondio Chuck, te quedan las images del visor de
WORD (wvHtml)

esto es lo que yo agregue al final  de /usr/local/bin/wvHtml :

mv --force /tmp/msword*.jpg /usr/local/www/hordeweb/tmp/
mv --force /tmp/msword*.gif /usr/local/www/hordeweb/tmp/
mv --force /tmp/msword*.png /usr/local/www/hordeweb/tmp/
mv --force /tmp/msword*.wmf /usr/local/www/hordeweb/tmp/

con esto el cliente tambien pude ver las images cuando abre un
documento de word.

Best regards,
 Fabian                            mailto:fabian@interk.com.ar