Guillermo Guillen Angel guillen@ccip.udg.mx
Mon, 01 Oct 2001 15:47:18 +0000

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Hi, I've got a problem with Turba.

when I click on the Addressbook button on IMP it opens another windows
with turba in it.
everything fine this far, but when I press any button, Add for example,
it doesn't do anything
what can I do to get Turba to work?

thanks for all your help



L.I. Guillermo Guillén Angel                 tels. 36194028  ext. 117
Jefe del                                           36196910
Centro de Computo de Investigación y Posgrado      36192379
CUCEI                                              36196017
Universidad de Guadalajara                         36503680
                                             fax.  36194028

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