Fw: new installation of horde-imp, problem on phplib

youx@free.fr youx@free.fr
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 10:08:33 +0200

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----- Original Message -----=20
From: youx@free.fr=20
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 5:27 PM
Subject: new installation of horde-imp, problem on phplib

sorry for this kind of question that must have been made thousand of =
times by the past bust I didn't find what I wanted on the archives...
Thus, I'm trying to install horde and imp and I have a problem of =
configuration on the phplib configuration : I've read all the files of =
explanation (imp, horde, database...) and using the test.php3, I reach =
the "Created a Horde session successfully", but the

Click here to test PHPLIB for Horde (If this link results in "Document =
Contains No Data" or "Fatal error...", then you probably have not =
defined the HordeSession class in the PHPLIB local.inc file).=20

link doesn't lead me anywhere (page unexistent). So I verified my config =
in local.inc and didn't find anything, here is it :

class HordeDB extends DB_Sql {
  var $Host =3D 'localhost';
  var $Database =3D 'horde';
  var $User =3D 'hordemgr';
  var $Password =3D 'hordemgr';
  var $Port =3D '';

  function halt($msg) {
    // Printing here causes race condition trouble, so don't.
    file://printf("<b>Database error (HordeDB):</b> %s<br>\n", $msg);

class HordeCT extends CT_Sql {
  var $database_class =3D 'HordeDB';         // Which database class to =
  var $database_table =3D 'active_sessions'; // and find our data in =
this table.

 * The following classes define our session, authentication, and user
 * properties.  You probably don't need to make any changes to them.
class HordeSession extends Session {=20
  var $classname =3D 'HordeSession';=20
  var $cookiename     =3D '';           // defaults to classname
  var $magic          =3D 'chuckmIMP';  // ID seed
  var $mode           =3D 'cookie';     // We propagate session IDs with =
  var $fallback_mode  =3D 'get';
  var $lifetime       =3D 0;            // 0 =3D do session cookies, =
else minutes
  var $that_class     =3D 'HordeCT';    // name of data storage =
  var $gc_probability =3D 5;
  var $allowcache     =3D 'no';         // don't allow any caching of =

class HordeSessionCached extends HordeSession {
  var $allowcache     =3D 'private';    // allow private caching of =

everything else is commentary.
I'm using PHP405 on win2000pro with apache1.3.2 and a mysql database in =
which I obviouly made the database horde with the 3 tables =
active_sessions imp_addr and imp_pref as said in the installation file, =
more the creation of the user hordemgr with its rights.
could someone help me cause I think I've made three times the operation =
successless :(

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