Compiling PHP and other problems

Ty Christensen
Sat, 6 Oct 2001 10:22:33 -0700

Don't you love subject lines like that? :^)

OK, here's the scoop.  I'm somewhat new to compiling my own software, but I
learn very quickly and I'm very good at following instructions.  I'm
currently running:

RH7 with Apache 1.3.14-3, PHP 4.0.4pl1-3, UW-IMAP 2000c-10, MySQL 3.23.32,
and all other necessary (and recommended) packages for IMP/Horde.  All
installed via the graciously-provided RPM's.

I've had no problem with getting Horde 1.2.6 and IMP 2.2.6 running on my
system.  They are fully functioning right now.  I would, however, like to
use the newer I like what little I've seen of it.

Here's the problem(s):

I have followed the install instructions both closely and loosely in several
attempts at building and installing the latest CVS versions of IMP and
Horde, but I've never been able to get both PHP and Apache to compile
without problems on my system.

Before you go making suggestions, yes, I have automake, autoconf, libtool,
flex, bison, and gcc all functioning in their correct locations.

It took me a while to figure out that PHP just won't compile with Mcrypt,
even using different versions.  Once I compiled PHP without Mcrypt, I tried
to build/make Apache.  Depending on which version of Apache I was trying to
compile (I tried both 1.3.14 and 1.3.20), I would get various errors in
various places.  I couldn't figure out where the problems really were, since
the messages were about files not being found when they were right there
under it's nose...  I tried compiling in three different versions of PHP
(4.0.5, 4.0.6, and CVS), and they all exhibited errors in the compile stage
of apache.

Here's my question(s):

Since I have everything that is needed already installed and functioning via
the RPM installs, is there any way I can do a custom build of PHP and
"insert" it where my existing PHP RPM files reside?  Would the PHP Apache
module still function, or would it get tripped up on this sort of move?

Here's what I've done:

Yes, I've searched the lists up and down for similar problems, and I did
find several people with PHP/compiling problems.  I didn't find any answers
that worked, though.  Like I said before, I've tried different versions of
Apache, PHP, blah, blah, blah...  Each with unique, if not disappointing,

Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.  I, at least, know
enough now to be able to get the appropriate version of PHP, Pear, and so on
and compile it correctly.  Again, I can follow directions very well.  :^)



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In my IMP 2.3.7-cvs, I've set it to wrap lines at 72 chars.  However, it doesn't
wrap after 72 chars but just after 80 characters.  Any idea about what's wrong here?

Alexander Skwar
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