[imp] Display date/time when viewing a message

Alexander Skwar ASkwar@DigitalProjects.com
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 20:51:02 +0200

Zitat von Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:

> I see. Though I still prefer seeing the date header in the raw format
> in 
> message view. Just a personal taste, I think.

Probably, yes.  I like it better if the program tries to stick to the
locale as much as possible and thus tries to give results which probably
"fit" to where I am.

BTW: IMO the default imp/config/conf.php.dist should be changed to
return the locale's time and date string:

$conf['mailbox']['date_format'] = '%x';
$conf['mailbox']['time_format'] = '%X';

%x is the locales representation of the date without the time, and %X is
the time without the date.  I noticed this, because the default time
format is US centric by using the AM/PM time format.  With %X this
"problem" should be solved for all the countries (which have a correct
locale entry).

Alexander Skwar
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