[imp] Connecting directly to IMP

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:06:44 +0200

Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> Quoting Cliff Green <green@UMDNJ.EDU>:
> > Yeah, I was wondering about that...  I don't have a problem with the
> > behavior, but it used to be that $conf['horde']['sitename'] was displayed
> in
> > the "Welcome to..." banner;  now, getName() is displayed (in
> > imp/templates/login/login.inc).
> > 
> > sitename is now only displayed in the <title> of these webpages now (um,
> if
> > login.inc is unpatched).
> > 
> > Was that intentional?
> $conf['sitename'] should be entirely gone now.

Though I don't like how it's handled now very much. The problem is that in all 
places especially in the Horde menu and the login screen getName() is displayed.
It makes sense to display names like 'Mail' or 'Addressbook' in the horde menu. 
But 'Welcome to Mail' sounds (at least in German) VERY strange. Aside from the 
irritating fact that it also appears when you login to Horde, not to IMP - I 
would expect to be welcomed to an application or to a site.

I propose to have another setting in the registry for just that string that has 
to be used for any login screen no matter if horde, imp, gollem or whatever.

Admins may then choose the sitename ('Welcome to webmail.whitehouse.gov') or an 
application name ('Welcome to The White House').


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