[imp] imp questions (usability issues)

Dan Ellis danellis@rushmore.com
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 16:51:33 -0600 (MDT)

Well, either you have a sieve script working or you have a static filter to 
scan mail flagged as new (which IMP currently doesn't have, I believe) setup to 
say filter all email with $$$ in the subject to the trash.

Something to quickly let me know the state of things.

Comments on the server-side script page idea?  Do you believe it should be to 
complement a client-side system, but not entirely replace it?

> > Also, another question|statement...  What about a flag sitting next to
> the 
> > status that would basically check if you have fitlers set active?  I'd
> What do you mean by filters active?

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