@UNKNOW error (again, again and again....)

Karl Soulabaille karl.soulabaille@free.fr
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 21:45:27 +0200

Hello everybody,

Altought great horde's projects works,  I have a problem which was already 
submitted to you in a previous subject of a thread.
As the answer was not very clear for me, I am looking to track the problem 
source (IMP, horde, apache, Sendmail).
But it isn't yet clear for me and it doesn't work either.

For of all:
I am currently using:
	RedHat 7.0	
	Apache 1.3.14-3
	PHP 4.2.0-dev (but problem appear with previous all CVS version of PHP, 
final release 4.0.6 has a buggy PostGRESQL support, so it is not used).
	Horde 1.2.6
	IMP 2.2.6
	PHPLIB 7.2d (but both imp version and sourceforge version doesn't work)
	PGSQL support for bookmark
	C-IMAP 2000 and latest versions

Test.php3 works fine, HordeSession also works fine.


When IMP has an email (from, to, or cc), it appears that it transform it like 

	admin@mydomain.org (OK)
Administrator <admin@mydomain.org>

"Administrator <admin@mydomain.org>" (example: for replying mail receive from 
some mailer client)
	"Administrattor <admin@mydomain.org>"@UNKNOWN

Another trick is that domainname is setting on system and setup.php3

I would like to known where this add-on can be done. I take a look to 
compose.php3, but it was appeared that mail were sending with correct address.

Karl Soulabaille