
Oscar Torres Gomez oscartg@hotmail.com
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 17:35:25 -0500


I have imp 2.2 on Linux Redhat 6.1 (apache 1.3.14)
all its fine, but
I have 2 errors (I think so) with my server

Sometimes there is an error like this:
"warning: not enough shared memory ... session.inc ..."

When I send a new mail or when I attach a file
there is the following message:
File Upload Mime headers garbled /home/httpd/html/horde/imp/compose.php3

Warning:  Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent 
(header information may be added only before any output is generated from 
the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to 
functions that output text) in session.inc on line 448"

Please... What mean this "Warnings"
and How can I fix it ?



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