[imp] IMP via stunnel

Mika y92smial@kyamk.fi
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:56:44 +0300 (EEST)

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Francois Philippo wrote:

>but I only want to make SSL between APACHE IMP and the client not between
>apache and the IMAP server.
>you know how ?

well, you can either install some ApacheSSL RPM depending on your
distribution or you can get and install openssl source
(http://www.openssl.org/) first, then Apache and mod_ssl
(http://www.modssl.org/) sources - in that order. You should propably
start by reading documentation for mod_ssl.

If you have a reasonably new distribution you can propably get a RPM
package working quite easily (I don't use RPMs so I don't really
know). Compiling and installing from source is more difficult but the
end result is the same.

It's propably a good idea (performance wise) to separate your 
Apache/SSL and IMAP servers which means you may want to use SSL there 
too, depending on your configuration of course.

	Mika Aleksandroff, Kymenlaakso Polytechnic

 "Hillary Rodman on jo vuosia kuulunut henkisiin majakkoihini,
  niihin ihmisiin, joiden mukaan tarkistan aika ajoin omat
  koordinaattini."                             - Anja Snellman