[imp] pref_uid and realm

M Z Rahman zrahman@partex.net
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 19:41:20 +0000

> Why would you need to do that?  The realm is already stored in
> the preferences table to form the unique key (along with the
> uid).

I am not using server list. And I have my server configuration mentioned in the 
servers.php and when I installed it in the begining I didn't mention the realm. 
When later on yesterday I mentioned realm in the servers.php, still horde 
wasn't saving the pref_uid as userid@realm.

Here is the setting from servers.php:

$servers['partex'] = array(
    'name' => 'partex.net',
    'server' => 'mail.partex.net',
    'protocol' => 'imap',
    'port' => 143,
    'folders' => 'mail/',
    'namespace' => '',
    'maildomain' => 'partex.net',
    'smtphost' => 'mail.partex.net',
    'realm' => 'partex.net',
    'preferred' => ''

And, even after this, when a new user (just created) login it saves the 
pref_uid as userid only:

Here is the output from mysql before the new user could login:

mysql> select pref_uid from horde_prefs where pref_uid = 'mzrahman';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select pref_uid from horde_prefs where pref_uid = 'mzrahman@partex.net';
Empty set (0.01 sec)

Here is the output from mysql after the new user logs in:

mysql> select pref_uid from horde_prefs where pref_uid = 'mzrahman@partex.net';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select pref_uid from horde_prefs where pref_uid = 'mzrahman';
| pref_uid |
| mzrahman |
| mzrahman |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

By the way, my server list preference is false ($conf['server']['server_list'] 
= false;).

I guess I could make myself clear here. 

