[imp] timezone problem

M Z Rahman zrahman@partex.net
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 20:25:13 +0600

> This seems to be a special problem with this timezone. I tested Asia/Dhaka
> and 
> my local timezone was set to GMT just as you described. Europe/Berlin (what I
> use) works OK.
> Is the another entry in the list that is in the same timezone? Does this one
> work?
> Jan.

Hmmm, I set my timezone to Asia/Calcutta (the nearest to my area), IMP went mad.
:) First it showed some time which wasn't even near GMT for Calcutta, and then
STRANGELY it started to send me the mail that I sent myself again and again and
all the mails were showing todays date only, which I guess IMP shows if the
mails get a bit old, or one day old (am I right?). Then I resetted the timezone
in Options menu again to the default value. It was okay! I can reproduce this
any times you want. My settings in prefs.php for timezone is:

$_prefs ['timezone'] = array(
     'value' => '',
     'locked' => false,
     'shared' => true,
     'type' => 'select',
     'desc' => _("Your current time zone:")

