imp - php/imap(?) trouble
Fredr¿k Andersson
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:53:29 +0100
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I get the following message when trying to login to imp:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_utf7_encode() in
/var/www/horde/lib/horde.lib on line 435
I've looked around for this error on the net and figured out that it's
probably because I don't have imap support in php.
This was probably true to begin with, since the machine is set up with
apache, php and imap just from rpms. Then I downloaded ande compiled php
with imap and apache and that seemed to work. But I still get the same
error message and when I look in the test.php3 page it says that I don't
have imap support.
I've checked the archived thread below, it helped me a bit but now I
think I'stuck.
Do I need to uninstall and compile any of the other related packages
like apache or something?
If you have any suggestions I'd be grateful.
I run:
Mandrake 8.0 kernel 2.4.3-20mdk
sendmail-8.11.3-1 (from rpm)
Apache 1.3.19-3 (from rpm)
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1(compiled --with-imap --with-apache)
Imap 2000-6 (from rpm)
Horde: 1.2.6
IMP: 2.2.6
Best regards / med vänliga hälsningar
Fredr¿k Andersson
IT/IS Department
PIC Engineering AB
Phone: +46-31-7482977
Fax: +46-31-7482999
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