expand names calls on non-existant function (validateMailbox)

Liam Hoekenga liamr@umich.edu
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 16:44:15 -0500

Hey guys -

This is a completely fresh copy of IMP checked out of CVS 15:00EST, 2001-10-31
(not a "cvs update"). "Expand Names" in the message composition screen does
nothing, and when I check my php error log, I see:

[31-Oct-2001 16:34:24] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function: 
validatemailbox() in /usr/local/projects/webmail/html-ssl/horde/imp/compose.php
on line 119

Now.. if I go to compose.php, it's the line is actually calling
"validateMailbox", but that one line is the only occurance of "validateMailbox"
anywhere in the code.

anyone else run into this?