[imp] saving sig_first pref doesn't seem to work

nlin@newton.berkeley.edu nlin@newton.berkeley.edu
Wed, 14 Nov 2001 15:18:27 -0800

aha! i found it.   should have looked here first.

in imp/identities.php under:
case IDENT_SAVE: (around line 80-89)

  $identity->setValue('fullname', Horde::getFormData('fullname'));
  $identity->setValue('from_addr', Horde::getFormData('from_addr'));
  $identity->setValue('replyto_addr', Horde::getFormData('replyto_addr'));

  $identity->setValue('signature', Horde::getFormData('signature'));
  $identity->setValue('sig_dashes', Horde::getFormData('sig_dashes'));
  $identity->setValue('sig_first', Horde::getFormData('sig_first'));

  $identity->setValue('save_sent_mail', Horde::getFormData('save_sent_mail',

So when I save an identity w/ sig_first & sig_dashes UNchecked, it gets 
saved to the database as NULL.  

Later, when I try to pull up my identity, with horde/lib/Identity.php, under 
function getValue(), you have:
 if (!isset($this->identities[$identity][$key]) || $prefs->isLocked($key)) {
        $val = $prefs->getValue($key);
  } else {
        $val = $this->identities[$identity][$key];

And since sig_first is set to NULL, it will try to get the default 
preferences ($val = $prefs->getValue($key);) set in imp/config/prefs.php, 
which I have set to 1.  That's why it's always checked.  As for 
save_sent_mail, since it's default value in identities.php is 0, things will 
get saved correctly and pulled up correctly.

oohoo!  hopefully i really figured it out this time.
