[imp] Message-Display ignores MIME charset
Otto Stolz
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 12:23:17 +0100
Jan Schneider wrote:
> I'm not sure but shouldn't at least unicode work?
Yes it should, and I had mentioned why I currently deem Imp deficient,
in this respect:
- The user has to find (or guess) the correct encoding,
- he must open a new window (two browsers I tried go back to the
imp/mailbox.php3 frame when you change the encoding),
- the UI texts are spoiled, as they are in a different encoding, yet
in the same frame.
> I switched my browser to use unicode and - voilá - the part was
> displayed (almost) correctly with greek, russian, chinese and german
> characters.
If there were 6 boxes in the Greek line, you have used a font lacking
the Extended Greek range. The question mark (in an R's stead) in the
Russian line was my fault: I sent that message with Mozilla 4.77 [en]
which erroneously labelled it as Iso-8859-1, while it actually was in
Windows CP 1252.
Best wishes,
Otto Stolz