Maintenance bug RC1 CVS: sent-mail-jan-1970

Barry Flanagan
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 12:06:50 +0000

If a user have no last_login value in the database, when they initially log in, imp will offer to rename their existing sent-mail folder to 'sent-mail-jan-1970'

The offending line is in rename_sentmail_monthly.php:

 function renameSentmailMonthlyName($folder)
      global $prefs;

      return $folder . strtolower(strftime("-%b-%Y",$prefs->getValue('last_login')));

...prehaps a check and if last_login doesn't exist offer to rename it to the preceding month? Sorry, my d
ate function prowess is not sufficient to give you an elegant patch!

-Barry Flanagan