[imp] IMP 3 and Multiple domains

Rick Stevens rstevens@vitalstream.com
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 11:01:01 -0800

Barry Flanagan wrote:

> On Tuesday 20 November 2001 18:24, you wrote:
>>I have two servers.  One is my mail server.  It handles multiple domains
>>but no httpd.  Just mail.
>>The other server is a web server. It answers to webmail.redstarhosting.com
>>I want users to be able to go to webmail.redstarhosting.com, login and have
>>imp work for that user at what ever domain they should be using.  But that
>>domain / user info only exists on the mail-only server.
>>I hope I have explained myself a bit better.
> We have a similar setup. We simply have all users log in with their full 
> email address <user@domain.com> and leave $realm (set in 
> imp/config/servers.php) empty. Our IMAP/POP servers use the full emaiul 
> address as the userid - I take it you do something similar?
> Hope this helps.

I concur.  This is the way our current webmail (old IMP 1.2x) works.
Modified POP and IMAP servers that use full user@domain logins.  We
support 8,000 domains and about 25,000 users using this mechanism.
- Rick Stevens, SSE, VitalStream, Inc.      rstevens@vitalstream.com -
- 949-743-2010 (Voice)                    http://www.vitalstream.com -
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