[imp] Performance of IMP/host machine?

Simon Matthews simon@paxonet.com
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 16:17:27 -0800


OK, so it only has 64MB of memory. Normally, it is not doing too much and 
has performed fine.

Actually, I was thinking about it and its network card could also be a 
problem. It has a 10MB card and  if this can pass 1Mbyte/second, then a 
14Mbyte mailbox will take 14 seconds to load.


At 05:57 PM 11/21/01 -0500, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>Quoting Simon Matthews <simon@paxonet.com>:
> > I find that IMP seems quite slow. OK, so I am testing it with a 14MB mail
> > file, using POP and the http server runs on a 75MHz Pentium machine.
>How much RAM? But at that level, the processor will have an effect. I'm
>guessing you don't have much memory, either, which is generally more of a
>problem. Nothing server-wise (dynamic) will be fast at that level of machine.
>Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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>in the
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