[imp] Can't get 3.0 rc2 to work at all

Lars Hecking lhecking@nmrc.ucc.ie
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 17:34:24 +0000

Chuck Hagenbuch writes:
> Quoting Lars Hecking <lhecking@nmrc.ucc.ie>:
> >  With imp 2.2.x, above results in loading /horde/imp/index.php when
> >  requesting /webmail. With 3.0, it loads /horde/index.php and no
> >  successful authentication is possible.
> You must either set IMP up to do Horde authentication 
> (horde/config/registry.php), or log in to Horde first.

 That's the business. Thanks!

 One more problem: I'm using the default horde/config/mime_mapping.php
 file, but when I attach a word document (.doc), it gets attached as