[imp] Problem: MySQL: "Access denied..."

Peter Proft u13762@hs-harz.de
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 15:57:45 +0100

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EdwardSPL@ita.org.mo wrote:

>Peter Proft wrote:
>>I am using Horde 1.2.7 and IMP 2.2.7, updated from older versions but
>>the problem was in older versions, too. (imp 2.2.6, horde 1.2.6)
>How did you create user name , database table and password ?
>I created the database/username with the mysql-script of the horde distribution.
>A manual login as "hordemgr" was successfull, and I wrote a test php-script that connects to the database and reads out a test field, it looked good. The Password I changed a few times with the dbpasswd.sh script.


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