[imp] coming back from a directory search

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 02:37:22 -0500

There is a mailing list for Turba: http://horde.org/mail/. I'm moving this

Quoting Steeman Philip <philip.steeman@kh.khbo.be>:

> When you have a search result from the addressbook (turba), and you click
> on a link under the header 'name', you see all the attributes of this
> user. This is nice, but I miss a method to go back to the previous page
> (the search results).
> Solutions:
> 1) we need a 'back' button
> 2) the attributes are displayed in a new window (which I can close)

3) Your patch


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." - Semisonic