[imp] IMP 2.2.7/RH 7.1/PostgreSQL

Gary Akers gla@naxs.com
Sat, 01 Dec 2001 14:09:03 -0500

At 10:51 AM 12/1/01 -0300, you wrote:
>On Vie 30 Nov 2001 23:27, you wrote:

>Try making a small php script with the phpinfo() function, and see the output
>on your browser.

nothing unusual as far as *I* could tell.

>Checkout ipchains output with ipchains -L to se if you have database
>connections opened for localhost.

The line "-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -i lo -j ACCEPT" near
the top of /etc/sysconfig/ipchains should have taken
care of that, but to make sure I stopped ipchains
for a minute and the problem was unchanged.

>Also check pg_hba.conf and add this if it's not there:
>host         all     password

changed the  the localhost entry from authentication type "trust"
to "password" restarted postgresql and problem unchanged.  The
contents of my /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf is now:
# By default, allow anything over UNIX domain sockets and localhost.
local        all                                           trust
# gla 12-01-01  change authentication mode for TCP localhost from trust to 
#host         all     trust
host         all     password

The error messages when clicking on the contacts link inexplicably
disappeared last night.  The main contacts window seems to
be working perfectly now, but the error messages in preferences
and the top of the compose window are still there.
I'm going to *try* to turn on postgresql logging, but this is my
first experience with postgresql having always used MySQL
before (The default RH 7.1 php/apache is set up for
postgresql, but not MySQL)

> > *****apache runs as user apache   data is owned by "hordemgr"
> > I don't know if user apache can connect to the horde database
> > seems unlikely, but it isn't clear why horde checks out ok,
> > and IMP can't access
> >
> > [root@yin horde]#   strings /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_shadow
> > hordemgr
> > newpasswd
> > hordemgr
> > hordemgr#C
> > postgres
>Thios has nothing to do, because PHP makes the connection with the user and
>password given in the PHPLIB files. How apache runs is irrelevant here.

Thanks for clearing up that point of confusion.