Horde 1.2 + IMP 1.2, is it possible from a web hoster ?

Jacques JOCELYN jacques-jocelyn@mail.dotcom.fr
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 21:14:59 -0800

I want to install Horde 1.2 with imp 1.2 but the server is not mine.
is it possible to do that ?

I've been spending hours and hours on that but no result :-(

So far I had to edit mostly all php3 files by adding those lines :
ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc','off');  #my web hoster has this option off
ini_set('include_path','.:/home/.../phplib'); #web hoster is using

but when I try to connect, the login is fine but I'm having
immediately in the mailbox :
Warning: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/.../imp/mailbox.php3 on line 379
Warning: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/.../imp/mailbox.php3 on line 379
Warning: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/.../imp/mailbox.php3 on line 379

Also when I click on any link.... I have to reconnect
further more, in the mailbox.php3
Warning: This command is disabled by the system administrator. (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0

I've been searching around...no solution so far.

has someone succeeded to install those 2 applications on a server
where the server options could not be changed ?

BTW, I've been trying imp3 + horde 2...
I could login at all :-(

Thanks for sharing your experience