[imp] Strange issue with IMP 3.0 RC3

FreeBSD user freebsd@XtremeDev.com
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 19:58:57 -0700 (MST)

> >  * cclient-2001a
> >  * cyrus-imapd 2.0.16 (cyrus native blackbox mailbox format)
> >  * horde (RELENG_2 as of Dec. 16)
> >  * imp (RENENG_3 as of Dec. 16)
> Huh, no ideas off the top of my head other than a corrupt
> mailbox.

Dunno how else to solve that. Pine worked fine with that mailbox, and I've
deleted everything in it and waited for it to fill up to more than 7
emails and still IMP only shows 1-7. I'll try fiddling around with it some
more, maybe the other thread with the similar symptoms might turn up
something. Dunno.