[imp] date() i18n in IMP

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 10:31:19 +0100

Zitat von Antonio Dias <accdias@sst.com.br>:

> I was looking the code for strings without _() marks and found this in
> imp/mailbox.php line 124:
>  Horde::raiseMessage(sprintf(_("Last login: %s"), date('l, F j, Y,
> g:i:s
> A T', $last_login)), HORDE_MESSAGE);
> IMHO date('l, F j, Y, g:i:s A T') will not be formatted in the current
> locale set. Should not it be better have date(_('l, F j, Y, g:i:s A
> T'))
> and let the translator supply a mask adequated to his language?

Changed in cvs. I also used strftime() instead of date() to support 
localized month and weekday names. That will probably break things again on 
Windows installations but we're using strftime() everywhere though.


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