IMP 3.0 new messages showing BUT then disappearing

Thu, 20 Dec 2001 23:07:41 -0500

I have been a happy user of Imp 2.x for some time now; but I decided 3.0 had
more of the features my users are looking for so I have been attempting to
get this baby fully operational.  I got everything working except there is
this strange "feature" where I see new mail on my IMAP server in imp but
then I refresh, it disappears.  I am running courier-imap + qmail w/
Maildirs, but even though UW-IMAP's c-client does not support Maildirs, the
courier-imap daemon should handle the server-side Maildir access
transparently (right?).  I have now tried using different c-client's and
Horde's and IMP's and other components with no success -- usually requiring
bloody recompiles of PHP and apache etc.

Basically when mail is first in Maildir/new, IMP shows the message, but when
the IMAP server moves the message to the "now it has been read" folder,
Maildir/cur, IMP loses track of the message.

What throws my standard theory of troubleshooting off in this issue, is that
the Demo site running 3.0 off has no problems with my server
and seeing 'cur' - stored messages.  Are there any patches applied to the
IMP demo that is not in the cvs release?  And it looks like Goober Outlook
98 sees the messages on the IMAP server fine, so it does appear to be some
frontend issue.

Any kind of assistance would be great.

Thanks in advance guys,
