[imp] Causing maintenance operations to occur without prompting?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 19:08:31 -0500

Quoting Lloyd Zusman <ljz@asfast.com>:

> Thanks.  But that works globally (i.e., for all users), and I asked
> about whether it could be optional, and by that I meant for only those
> users who request this feature.  In other words, is it possible on a
> per-user basis to tell IMP to perform periodic maintenance without
> prompting the users who ask for this option?  Other users who don't
> request this option would be prompted as usual to perform their
> maintenance.
> This doesn't seem possible ... or am I missing something?

No, it isn't currently. A patch for a user preference for "prompt me for
maintenance" would be fine.


"It's not the size of the boat that makes the wave,
 it's the motion of the ocean." - Junebug Jabbo Jones