IMP 3.0

Wed, 16 Jan 2002 16:10:55 +0100

I've a problem with this version of IMP.

Outside my network, when I try to reach the myhost:/horde/imp http page
I get an error. For example if I try via lynx utility:


I receive un error like this:

Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.

Looking up first
Looking up
Making HTTP connection to
Sending HTTP request.
HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Data transfer complete
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Looking up lbmail
Unable to locate remote host lbmail.
Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.


perhaps if I try to reach the myhost: (http default page) and
myhost:/horde/test.php page I haven't any problem.

Inside my network all it works.

Someone can help me?.


Fabio Basso
Scuola Universitaria Professionale
della Svizzera italiana
Dipartimento di informatica ed elettronica
Tel. 091/6108504

Fabio Basso
Scuola Universitaria Professionale
della Svizzera italiana
Dipartimento di informatica ed elettronica
Tel. 091/6108504