[imp] spelling checker

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 17:07:53 +0100

Zitat von Philip Steeman <philip.steeman@kh.khbo.be>:

> Hello,
> One question:
> When you make a spelling check of a message, you can see in the window,
> your 
> corrected text. Is it possible in IMP3 (like in IMP2.2) to have the
> errors in 
> red? Because when we type a message in Dutch about computers, there are a
> lot 
> of English words in it, so we have to click an awfull lot of times. When
> the 'errors' are in red, we can see quickly our real errors.

The errors ARE in red. At least they should be if everything works 


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