[imp] spelling checker

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 12:20:45 +0100

Zitat von Steeman Philip <philip.steeman@kh.khbo.be>:

> > > lot
> > > of English words in it, so we have to click an awfull lot of times.
> When
> > >
> > > the 'errors' are in red, we can see quickly our real errors.
> > 
> > The errors ARE in red. At least they should be if everything works
> > correctly.
> > 
> I tried to verify this on de demo-site, but how much I try, there are no
> errors in my text.

That's a different story. It means that spell checking isn't working at 
all. There were some threads on this topic recently. Did you follow them 
and see if there are some hints that might help you?


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