/me is looking for consulting contracts or temp/fixed job

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 23:49:40 +0100

Hi all,

The time has come that I also join the growing family of bitten by the
economy unemployed people :)

My contract with my previous employer has finished on 31 december 2001,
and since 1 Jan 2002 I am free (as in beer not as in speech).

I am currently looking for either consulting contracts
short/mid/longterm or a permanent position in unix administration or
internet service provide ISP/ASP field.

I am in Switzerland in Lausanne area and would prefer to work in this
area or  just a bit outside (Geneva, Fribourg, Neuchatel, etc).

Ofcourse I can also do short project by telecommuting.

You can find my CV at

and if you want a PDF version to send by email etc, there is one at

I know I am sending to international lists, but I would not be surprised
     discovering a lot of people from my area on the lists.

Thank you and best regards.

PS:: As I previously stated, there are others who have had been in the
same boat as I am now. I would be very glad to know how you
re-established yourself especially if you went from working for salary
to independant consultant. Horror stories are also welcome.
