[imp] Can't Log in to IMP 3.0 on debian

Sam Rowe sam@samrowe.com
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 00:06:31 -0500

On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 06:52:21PM -0500, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
# Quoting Sam Rowe <sam@samrowe.com>:
# > Yea, I posted that test.php works fine in one of my many posts  :-) 
# Okay, have you checked your cookie_domain (horde/config/registry.php)? Is your 
# install in the default location (/horde)?

'cookie_domain' => $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME'],

is the line from registry.php. I assume that's correct.

The install is in /horde and imp is in /horde/imp/
