[imp] Quota status
Leena Heino
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 13:36:11 +0200 (EET)
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Julien Marchal wrote:
> Is there a solution to have quota support with the user connected (and not cyrs administrator) ?
In Cyrus imapd you must be administrator to use GETQUOTA command. One
problem with c-client is that it only supports GETQUOTA but not
GETQUOTAROOT coomand. To get around this limitation I ended up writing my
own version of imp_show_quota() which uses GETQUOTAROOT command.
> -- Julien Marchal --
> Email : Julien.Marchal@univ-nancy2.fr
> Université NANCY 2 - C.R.I.
> 13, Rue Michel Ney
> CO 75 - 54037 Nancy Cédex
> --
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-- Leena Heino (liinu@uta.fi)