[imp] Problem with character in from field

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 16:39:50 -0700

| > IMP Really does not like this From string:
| > 
| >   From: "Johan Öhrn" <johan_oern@hotmail.com>
| > 
| > It is screaming about the O thing (I have no idea what its called
| :-P)
| > like 
| > no other.  In the Mailbox screen, it lists the User as &nbsp;, and
| > displays 
| > the following error message:
| > 
| > Warning: Undefined offset: 0 in /httpd/htsdocs/horde/imp/mailbox.php on
| > line 671
| > 
| > right before the header row (I.E. 
| > the 'cheeckbox', 'date', 'from', 'subject', etc. row).
| > 
| > In the message screen, there is a boatload of messages that appear at
| the
| > 
| > bottom of the screen beginning with:
| > 
| > Warning: Invalid CHAR in quoted string: ÖÖhrn" 
| > NIL "johan_oern" "hotmail.com")) (("Johan Öhrn" NIL "johan_oern"
| > "hotmail. 
| > (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
| > 
| > I am using courier-imap 1.3.10 on RH Linux 7.2, PHP-cvs, English
| > character 
| > set.
| When does it happen? When you select that name from the identities,
| after
| sending, when you open the compose window, ...?

Here is a screenshot of the error (Mailbox listing):

This is what the message looks like (Message view):


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder