[imp] Problem with character in from field
Jan Schneider
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 01:04:41 +0100
Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu>:
> | > IMP Really does not like this From string:
> | >
> | >
> | > It is screaming about the O thing (I have no idea what its called
> | :-P)
> | > like
> | > no other. In the Mailbox screen, it lists the User as , and
> | > displays
> | > the following error message:
> | >
> | > Warning: Undefined offset: 0 in /httpd/htsdocs/horde/imp/mailbox.php
> on
> |
> | > line 671
> | >
> | > right before the header row (I.E.
> | > the 'cheeckbox', 'date', 'from', 'subject', etc. row).
> | >
> | > In the message screen, there is a boatload of messages that appear
> at
> | the
> | >
> | > bottom of the screen beginning with:
> | >
> | > Warning: Invalid CHAR in quoted string: ÖÖhrn"
> | > NIL "johan_oern" "hotmail.com")) (("Johan Öhrn" NIL "johan_oern"
> | > "hotmail.
> | > (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
> | >
> | > I am using courier-imap 1.3.10 on RH Linux 7.2, PHP-cvs, English
> | > character
> | > set.
> |
> | When does it happen? When you select that name from the identities,
> | after
> | sending, when you open the compose window, ...?
> |
> |
> Here is a screenshot of the error (Mailbox listing):
> http://bigworm.colorado.edu/imp-patches/error_1.png
> This is what the message looks like (Message view):
> http://bigworm.colorado.edu/imp-patches/error_2.png
I tested with some umlauts and different languages/charsets and had no
problem. I can think of that the Wrom: HDMNNSKVFVWRKJVZCMHVIBGDADRZFSQHY
That's of course the fault of the sender's mail client but perhaps we can
silent those errors.
Can you cut the error messages that appear in the mailbox view and send it
together with the raw header of that message?
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