Attachments Problems Again

Fábio Gomes
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:57:24 +0000

Hi Fellows

IMP 2.2.6
HORDE 1.2.6
PHP 4.0.6
Solaris 2.6
Apache 1.3.20

	When I add one attach to a new message in compose window, since this
message is greater than the value specified in my php.ini file (5Mb), I
recieve the following error:

	Warning: Undefined variable: attachments_size in
	/usr/local/Apache20s/htdocs/horde/imp/compose.php3 on line 930

and the file isn't attached.

	The important lines in php.ini for this case (I think), looks like the

	file_uploads = On
	upload_tmp_dir = /var/tmp
	upload_max_filesize = 5M
	memory_limit = 8M

	I have searched in the list archives and although there are lots of
messages like mine, no one have solved my problem.

	And, before you ask me, I have used since Netscape browsers to IE to
test the attachment process.

	Thank you,
	Fábio Gomes

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