[imp] 2.x to 3.x DB?
Rich West
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 15:16:52 -0500
I saw reference to that, as well, in the archives, however, since I
grabbed everything from CVS about 3 days ago, my imp/scripts looks like:
custom_login.php CVS/ imp-cleanup.cron Imp.reg
Nothing else.. perhaps I should just browse the on-line CVS to see what
is different...
Jan Schneider wrote:
>Zitat von Rich West <Rich.West@divatv.com>:
>>As I am sure others have discovered, the DB structure seems to have
>>changed between 2.x and 3.x of IMP.
>>Is there any upgrade out there? I have everything working with IMP, it
>>seems, except for the user preferences/identities/etc..
>>That's the only step left on my plate before a complete roll-out of the