Minor but annoying bug (mailbox.php line 361)
Marcus I. Ryan
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:56:22 -0600
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mailbox.php displays applied filter mesages, but doesn't check if any
values are not set (specifically $message->subject). When a message
without a subject is filtered, I instead get an error that subject is
undefined in mailbox.php line 361, and the rest of the page won't
display correctly (headers already produced, page compression turned
on, so I just get garbage).
I'm just learning PHP, so double-check I've done this "The Best Way",
but the attached patch appears to fix it (though some messages return
"" instaled of "[No Subject]").
Another question is in IMP how do I specify the mime type for an
attachment? The patch should already be text/plain, but say I submit
a PDF document, how can I tell IMP to send it as text/plain so it gets
through the filter?
Lastly, is this the proper method of doing a patch? (diff -u file1
file2) or is there a better method.
I'm just learning PHP, and I've never really worked with anyone else
on programming projects on UNIX, so I'm still learning about diff,
patch, etc. I'm trying to get to the point where I can just submit
patches instead of saying "Hey! Fix this!" :)
Marcus I. Ryan, marcus@riboflavin.net
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it
flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come."
-- Matt Groening
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