[imp] No folders under IMP 3.0

Brian Helman bhelman@salemstate.edu
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 14:37:28 -0500


Here is that entry from servers.php:

$servers['cyrus'] = array(
     'name' => 'Cyrus IMAP Server',
     'server' => 'clipper.salemstate.edu',
     'protocol' => 'imap',
     'port' => 143,
     'folders' => '',
     'namespace' => 'INBOX.',
     'maildomain' => 'salemstate.edu',
     'realm' => 'salemstate.edu',
     'preferred' => 'true'

I have it set to drop down so I can set up different configurations and 
track what I have done.  With this configuration, the browser tries to open 
redirect.php, but times out after a couple minutes.


At 07:30 PM 1/24/02 +0100, you wrote:
>Zitat von Brian Helman <bhelman@salemstate.edu>:
> >
> > I posted a message last week about this, but I still have had no success
> >
> > fixing the problem.  I have an IMP 2.2.4 system running in production
> > without any problems.  On a new box, I have installed IMP 3.0.1 and it is
> >
> > working to a degree.  HOWEVER, while I have been able to logon to my IMAP
> >
> > server (Execmail/Cyrus), I have not been able to access any folders
> > (personal or shared).  In fact, I don't even see them.
> >
> > Again, all works fine in 2.2.4.  Here is that configuration:
> >
> > (from defaults.php3)
> > /* Default IMAP Server Configuration */
> > $default->server                         = 'clipper.salemstate.edu';
> > $default->from_server                    = 'salemstate.edu';
> > $default->port                           = '143';
> >
> > /* Default IMAP Folder Configuration */
> > $default->folders                        = '';
> > $default->use_imap_subscribe             = true;
> > $default->show_dotfiles                  = true;
> > $default->save_sent_mail                 = true;
> > $default->sent_mail                      = 'sent-mail';
> > $default->postponed                      = 'drafts';
> >
> > /* Server list : user is presented with a list */
> > /* of available imap servers */
> > $default->use_server_list                = false;
> >
> > /* Cyrus Configuration */
> > $default->personal_folders               = 'INBOX.';    /* i.e. INBOX.
> > */
> >
> > I know under 2.2 there is a server definition file -- servers.php3, which
> > I
> > am not using (as defined by the "use_server_list variable).
> >
> > Under 3.0, other than the $conf['server']['hierarchies'] = array() , it
> > appears that folder settings have been removed from the conf.php file and
> >
> > now only get configured in servers.php .  I have toyed around will all
> > kinds of permutations of the 'folders' and 'namespace' variables without
> >
> > success.  One thing that I have noticed, if I place a value with a '.' in
> >
> > the either the 'namespace' or 'folders' setting, the browser locks up
> > (e.g.
> > INBOX. ).  Any other setting (e.g. mail/, mail, / etc) gets me into the
> > mail, but again, no folders (and I don't have the ability to create them
> >
> > either).
> >
> > Is there a configuration that I am missing?  What has changed from a
> > folder-configuration perspective since 2.2?
>Using Cyrus it should work with namespace 'INBOX.' and folders ''. Make
>sure this is the preferred server if you don't use the server list. It is
>automatically the preferred server if it the only entry in servers.php.
>Otherwise you'll have to set the preferred entry in the servers hash
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  Brian M Helman
  Director, Networking Services
  Salem State College

                     Voice: 978.542.7272
                       Fax: 978.542.6620
                    e-mail: bhelman@salemstate.edu
                snail-mail: 352 Lafayette St, MH207A
                            Salem, MA  01970-5353
