IMP 3.0 and PHP 4.0.6

Marco Rodriguez
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:46:46 -0200

In the IMP page its said that I need PHP 4.1.0 or PHP 
4.0.6 with PEAR 4.1.0. Well, I set up the last option, 
but I'm receiving the following error:

Fatal error:  No parent class available in this context 
in /home/html/horde-2.0/imp-3.0/lib/Identity/IMP.php on 
line 34

This is the output of test.php:

Horde Versions
Horde: 2.0
IMP: 3.0
Turba: 1.0
PHP Version
View phpinfo() screen
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
PHP Major Version: 4.0
PHP Minor Version: 4
PHP Subminor Version: pl1
PHP Version Classification: release
This version of PHP is not supported. You need to 
upgrade to a more recent version.
Horde requires PHP 4.1.0 (or PHP 4.0.6 or greater with 
PEAR 4.1.0).
PHP Module Capabilities
FTP Support: Yes
Gettext Support: Yes
IMAP Support: Yes
LDAP Support: No
MCAL Support: No
Mcrypt Support: No
MySQL Support: Yes
PostgreSQL Support: No
XML Support: Yes
Miscellaneous PHP Settings
magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes
PHP Sessions
Session counter: 1
To unregister the session: click here
PEAR - Yes
Recent PEAR - Yes
Mail::RFC822 - Yes
Log - Yes
DB - Yes

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