[imp] status bar entries and mozilla

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 10:59:36 -0500

Quoting Dan Allen <dan@mojavelinux.com>:

> In mozilla, if you write a window.status operation using an onmouseover on a
> link, you are never going to see the message in the statusbar.  This is 
> because in mozilla, the url wins out over the window.status operation.

That's kind of annoying. And it defeats the purpose of what, 5+ years of 
people's code? Are you sure this isn't a mozilla bug/lack?

> this work, it is very simple...you simply write a function that does a
> setTimeout('window.status = "foo",10) and you get your message.

That doesn't sound like a reliable solution, especially when you're rolling 
over multiple things in a row...

> In addition, it would be nice if (possibly a configuration),
> all images had "title" attributes, so when you fly over the refresh link,
> you know it is going to refresh.

We do alt tags. If mozilla ignores those and doesn't pay attention to anything 
other than title, well, IMHO that's a really annoying feature and mozilla 
should be fixed. This one I'd be much more swayed by a patch, though.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin