[imp] default from address (maybe ['hooks']['from'])

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 19:17:12 +0100

Zitat von Liam Hoekenga <liamr@umich.edu>:

> I'd like to find display the default from address in the message window's
> from 
> line (like it does when you actually define the an email address in your
> default identity)..
> so if someone hasn't edited their default identity it would read:
>     $imp['user']@$imp['maildomain'] (Default Identity)
> instead of merely:
>     (Default Identity)
> I've played around with the ['hooks']['from'] but that only seems to
> change the 
> outgoing address when the message is sent.. not when the composition
> window is 
> displayed.
> Apparently both our users and our helpdesk is confused by it only saying
> "Default Identity").  The alternative suggestion was to some how populate
> the 
> default identity automatically, but I think that doing the former would
> be 
> easier.

That latter is what actually should happen. If a user that logs in doesn't 
have an identity defined, a default identity is created with all the 
defaults that are set in prefs.php or by any hooks. This identity is even 
stored in the preferences backend not only in the session so that it's 
available the next time he logs in.

I'll take a look if I can reproduce what you describe because it's a bug 


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