[imp] Poppaswd

Mathieu CLABAUT mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 09:34:47 +0100 (CET)

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Eric Jon ROSTETTER wrote:
> I liked the parameterized "refused" user list.  So I added it to my version
> of his program.  But I noticed what I assume is a mistake.  Patch is simple:
> 24c25
> <     elseif (ereg(implode("|",$conf['user']['refused']),$userid)) {
> ---
> >     elseif (ereg(implode($conf['user']['refused'],"|"),$userid)) {

 Thanks !

 I applied the patch, and put a new tarball online before the end of the

Mathieu CLABAUT                            mailto:mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
DIGINEXT                                     http://mathieu.clabaut.free.fr
45, impasse de la draille, P.A. La Duranne,   tel: 04 42 90 82 91
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