Sieve filtering ... any progress?

Marc G. Fournier
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:02:31 -0400 (AST)

Looking around, I found the sieve-imp patch put out by the sieve-php folk,
but it isn't something I'd inflict on end-users yet, without giving a
course on how to write the rules :)

Has anyone started to work on extending this interface so that its more
user-friendly?  I know there was talk, just wondering if anyone is active
on it yet?

Thanks ...

>From pelayog@herolse Date: Mon,  4 Feb 2002 20:24:37 +0100
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Subject: Re: [imp] I can't send mail with attachments

I don't know why imp is trying to read under /root/tmp, as /root should be 
accesible only by root. Please review your php.ini (usually under /etc) and 
check the values of:

file_uploads = On          ; to allow file uploads
upload_tmp_dir = /var/tmp  ; at least must be rwx for your apache user
upload_max_filesize = 16M  ; limits the size of uploaded files

Mensaje citado por

> Hi:
> I use horde-1.2.4, horde-shm-2.2.4, imp-2.2.4-1 mdk and Mysql. 
> And the warning is:
> Unable to open '/root/tmp/php(FILE)' for reading: Permission denied in
> /var/www/html/horde/imp/compose.php3 on line 916.
> When I said php(FILE) I refer this :
> phpTCwill or phpGPon or phpEsSqSf this files are always diferent.
> I change the permissions of the /root/tmp to reading but not work!.
> Why can I do?. thanks!.