[imp] horde/imp with web.de freemail

Dieter Rothacker dr-tech@web.de
Tue, 05 Feb 2002 22:20:27 +0100


I have finished my installation of Horde/IMP/Turba/Kronolith some days ago, 
and everything is working and looking pretty cool. However I noticed the 
same problem Tristan had. IMP reports the number of messages but cannot 
display the headers.

I found out that Mulberry has a problem with the imap.web.de server, too. 
It reports the number of messages, and then spits out a "Could not search 
mailbox. Function not implemented" error! So it is probably the fault of 
the server, not of IMP neither Mulberry, I assume.

However, Eudora and Outlook Express both do not have any problems with that 
strange server behaviour. Anybody any ideas?

Fyi, imap.web.de's capabilities are reported as:
* OK WEB.DE IMAP4-Server
0 OK Completed

Dieter Rothacker

Tristan Koch wrote:
 >Hi, I have installed horde and imp, after some work, it runs locally like
 >the demo version, so I assume everything is setuped normally. The problem
 >is, also the demo version is not working right. Althoug there is a line
 >which tells me how many message are displayed (which is right), there are no
 >messages! The Inbox is empty, no messages are listed.
 > from servers.php:
 >$servers['imap'] = array(
 > 'name' = 'web.de',
 > 'server' = 'imap.web.de',
 > 'protocol' = 'imap',
 > 'port' = 143,
 > 'folders' = '',
 > 'namespace' = 'INBOX',
 > 'maildomain' = 'web.de',
 > 'smtphost' = 'smtp.web.de',
 > 'realm' = 'web.de',
 > 'preferred' = ''
 > );
 > I also tried as folder /mail, with this config I can=B4t
 >even see imap=20 directories, such as sent or trash. btw, how to see why
 >mail sending do fail? There is a note shown, that mail send has failed, but
 >I cant find out more. How to do that? (if possible, from gui)
 > Thanks very much, Tristan 

>From virg@custom Date: Tue,  5 Feb 2002 13:32:58 -0800
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Subject: maintenance

Every time I login that screen pops up to ask if I wanna perform the 
maintenance.  Besides that IMP is great.  any help would be apreciated.   

Virgil Kyle 
System Administrator 
Custom Technologies 

>From pbauer@mail.shorttermwhat.com Date: Tue,  5 Feb 2002 13:37:35 -0800
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Subject: Addressbook showing everyone as already there

I am trying to get the address book working properly.  If I manually enter a 
person into the address book all is well.   But every mail I get lists all 
recipients as having been added to the address book already.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?  
I am storing everything in postgresql if it matters and everything else seems 

Thank you,