IMP 2.2.7 unable to connect to remote postgres server

Brian Helman
Thu, 07 Feb 2002 12:33:45 -0500

I tried unsuccessfully for over a week to get IMP 3.0 to work with our IMAP 
server (Execmail).  It would connect and access the inbox fine, but I was 
unable to get it to recognize other folders.

Our 2.2.4 installation works fine.  Lately, we've been experiencing some 
odd behavior on the server (RH7.0).  Since I couldn't get IMP3.0 to work, 
I've decided for now to upgrade to RH7.2 and put IMP2.2.7 on it.

I have install 2.2.7 on an RH7.2 installation on a spare computer.  I have 
been unable to get the new 2.2.7 install (server name George) to access the 
database on the 2.2.4 install (server name Bill).  If I issue "psql -h -U newpguser -d horde" from George's command-line, it 
works fine, so I am fairly confident that hba_conf is configured fine (oh 
yeah, the database is Postgresql).  I have edited 
.../imp/config/defaults.php3 :

$default->use_db                         = true;
$default->database_driver                = 'pgsql';
$default->db_user_name                   = 'newpguser';
$default->db_password                    = 'jefferson';
$default->db_security_nag                = true;
$default->db_name                        = 'horde';
$default->db_server_name                 = '';
$default->db_pref_table                  = 'imp_pref';
$default->db_address_table               = 'imp_addr';
$default->db_connect_string              = '';
$default->db_server_port                 = '';
$default->db_server_options              = '';
$default->db_server_tty                  = '';

but I still get

Warning: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: connectDBStart() -- 
connect() failed: Connection refused Is the postmaster running (with -i) at 
'localhost' and accepting connections on TCP/IP port 5432? in 
/var/www/horde-phplib/ on line 40

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in 
/var/www/horde-phplib/ on line 52

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in 
/var/www/horde-phplib/ on line 55

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in 
/var/www/horde-phplib/ on line 67

when I try to fire up .

Any suggestions?

BTW, before I made George a 2.2.7 server, it was running 2.2.4 accessing 
the postgresql database off of Bill.


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Subject: Undoing Realms--RESOLVED

Thank you for all the responses. Here is the solution and it is TESTED on two 
systems and it works beautifully. I am not an SQL guru, someone may want to 
write a script to do the steps I followed. Thanks Jon for the tip.

ISSUE: Changing 'realms' in imp/conf/servers.php without affecting users 
       settings. I am assuming that you are using MySql and Apache


For the sake of simplicity, I will be using my domain '' which was 
inserted in servers.php as 'realm' which will be changed to ''.

1. Stop the webserver to prevent users from changing things.
2. at the prompt, type mysql ---> for simplicity, user:root and no password
3. connect horde
4. type at mysql> the following:

UPDATE horde_prefs SET pref_uid = substring(pref_uid, 1, locate('@',pref_uid) - 
1) where locate('@', pref_uid) > 0;

This will change anything with user@realm ---> user

***Note*** If you want undo the realms for one server and not others, you need 
to tweak this command; otherwise, you may run into problems. I had one user in 
the database who had enteries in two different realms and it was a challenge.

5. Do the same procedure for kronolith_events and turba_objects tables

For example, the statement for turba object will be:

UPDATE turba_objects SET pref_uid = substring(owner_id, 1, locate
('@',owner_id) - 1) where locate('@', owner_id) > 0;

and for kronolith_events, it will be:

UPDATE kronolith_events SET pref_uid = substring(calendar_id, 1, locate
('@',calendar_id) - 1) where locate('@', calendar_id) > 0;

6. Restart your SQL server and HTTP server.

7. Test it ...

That's all
    _/     _/  _/    _/  _/     _/ | Marco Obaid   
   _/_/ _/_/  _/    _/  _/     _/  | Network Administrator 
  _/  _/ _/  _/    _/  _/  _/ _/   | McDevitt Hall
 _/     _/  _/    _/  _/_/ _/_/    | W-Box 1621
_/     _/   _/_/_/   _/     _/     | Columbus MS 39701
M I S S I S S I P P I  U N I V E R S I T Y  F O R  W O M E N  

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