[imp] Fwd: Problem with attachments

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 14:56:33 +0100

Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> I'm using IMP 3.0 and Horde 2.0 - I'm having toruble receiving
> attachments
> sent form Windows (Outlook). The attachment arrives as winmail.dat -
> this
> file cannot be opened. If I send the same attachment through Hotmail, it
> works. Any suggestions?

AFAIK this is a special file generated by Exchange servers or Outlook 
clients and of course only readable by (and useful for) MS software.


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>From m.ibarra@cdcixis Date: Wednesday, Feb 13th 2002 
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Subject: Chuck to Speak at NYSA.org in NYC on Wednesday. All Welcome


NYSA, New York Systems Administrators, a NYC local SAGE chapter (soon),
is proud to announce that Chuck Hagenbuch will be giving a presenatation on
Wednesday, Feb 13 2002 beginning at 6:30 PM. NYSA does not charge dues
nor entry fees for its meetings. Please feel free to stop by and listen to
presentation on Horde, an Introduction and Overview. If you wish to join
send an email to majordomo@nysa.org, no subject necessary, in the body
type in subscribe nysa-members, send it and reply to the message that will


More information to follow as I need to confirm a place, 
the date though is solid. While not necessary, please let 
me know if you plan on attending so that I can ensure 
that everyone finds a chair. It is definitely in the mid-town

See you all next week, 


Date: Wednesday, Feb 13th 2002 
Time: 6:00PM for NYSA Administratvia 
6:30PM for Horde Presentation 
Location: TBA 

Speaker: Chuck Hagenbuch, Horde Project Leader and Founder. 

Topic: Horde Applications: An overview and introduction. 

Horde, best known for it's IMP (Internet Messaging Program) 
webmail tool, has become become the tool of choice for not 
just webmail, but for it's many other useful functions too. 

Horde (read more at htp://www.horde.org) has calendaring, 
alerts/tasks reminders, CVS front-end, etc. The Horde tools 
all interact with one another and can be setup to use many 
different types of authentication and data storage (*sql, 
imap, ldap, etc). If you've been thinking about deploying 
a robust, scalable and configurable email system for either 
internet or intranet use, then you need to be at this 

Speakers Background 

Chuck Hagenbuch founded the Horde Project in 1998 when he 
started writing IMP, the Internet Messaging Program, for a 
campus computing group. He continues to work on Horde, and 
also on several PHP extensions and the PEAR code library.