[imp] folders.php hangs

Staffan Ulfberg staffan@ulfberg.se
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 02:02:21 +0100 (CET)

staffan@ulfberg.se writes:

> This produces the following in my log file:
> Feb 12 01:24:32 HORDE [debug] [imp] Folders Place 1 [on line 80 of "/usr/local/www/horde/imp/folders.php"]
> Feb 12 01:24:32 HORDE [debug] [imp] initializeTree A [on line 52 of "/usr/local/www/horde/imp/folders.php"]
> Feb 12 01:24:32 HORDE [debug] [imp] expandAllFolders [on line 71 of "/usr/local/www/horde/imp/lib/Tree.php"]
> Feb 12 01:24:32 HORDE [debug] [imp] expandAllFolders loop [on line 74 of "/usr/local/www/horde/imp/lib/Tree.php"]
> Feb 12 01:24:32 HORDE [debug] [imp] expandAllFolders loop [on line 74 of "/usr/local/www/horde/imp/lib/Tree.php"]
> Feb 12 01:24:32 HORDE [debug] [imp] expandAllFolders loop [on line 74 of "/usr/local/www/horde/imp/lib/Tree.php"]
> [...]

I'm sorry, but I just discovered something that might be of

The "expandAllFolders loop" printout actually occurs only 26 times.
Then, "expand" is printed once, and then, "expandAllFolders" repeats

The figure 26 might not be completely random; these are my mailboxes:

multivac.fatburen.org> lm
INBOX                     INBOX.freebsd             INBOX.other               
INBOX.admin               INBOX.freebsd-doc         INBOX.pinball             
INBOX.binutils            INBOX.freebsd-java        INBOX.sent-mail           
INBOX.blackout            INBOX.gnokii              INBOX.sent-mail.1999      
INBOX.bugtraq             INBOX.internetanslutning  INBOX.sent-mail.2000      
INBOX.cipherchallenge     INBOX.juggling            INBOX.sent-mail.2001      
INBOX.cipherpostmortem    INBOX.junk                INBOX.sent-mail.2002      
INBOX.codebook            INBOX.nada                INBOX.sent-news           
INBOX.cvs                 INBOX.nnimap              INBOX.swox                
INBOX.devildoll           INBOX.nokia               INBOX.xonx                
INBOX.fatburen            INBOX.orc                 

One can notice that the 26th mailbox in alphabetical order is
`INBOX.sent-mail.1999': the first mailbox with a sub-mailbox.

Thanks again,
