[imp] Yahoo! like pop acces
Eric J Rostetter
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 22:08:11 -0600
Quoting semot api <semotapi@yahoo.com>:
> is there a hack that i can use to implement popping
> pop3 msgs after login into imp? ie similar to Yahoo's
> Check Other Mail hyperlink.
> upon clicking Check Other Mail, then users will be
> asked to fillup a form for details on server-name and
> user info.
I grabbed the code from the CVS attic, and with a fair amount of work
I now have it semi-working. Had to modernize it a lot, plus clean it
up and fix some bugs...
It works pretty much as described above at this time -- manually. Each
time you need to fill in the host info, and it grabs the mail. It doesn't
save any info, so you need to enter it each time.
I need to clean it up more, and get things working right. Then I can
release it to those who want to play with it.
I'd like to take this much further, and be able to make it do things like
execute at login, add it to the "maintenance" features in prefs, etc. But
that is all a long term project that could take some time.
For some reason, I removed it from IMP (not sure why) and made it into
it's own module. Not sure if this is bad or good. But it seems to work.
I'll keep you posted, but I wanted to get an early warning out that I'm
working on it and seeing progress, and it looks promising!
Eric Jon Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712-1081
Office: RLM 7.126
Telephone: 512-471-5821
Email: eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
"I like driving around with my two cats, especially on the
freeway. I make them wear little hats so that I can use the
carpool lane. Way too much time on your hands too? Call me.
SWF, 42, 5'10", brown/blue." -- from the book "Plain Fat
Chick Seeks Guy Who Likes Broccoli" (Gibbs Smith)